Kareena Kapoor's hit track, "It's Rocking Yaara Kabhi Ishq To Karo", from the forthcoming "Kya Love Story Hai" (out on April 20), is making news for all the right and wrong
Right because it is already No.1 on the world charts and is among the most requested songs on radio these days, wrong because Ayesha Takia was rumouredly upset
about the introduction of the track and the attention going to Kareena!
Now another controversy on this song has come to the foreground. Before choreographer Bosco was roped in for "It's Rocking Yaara Kabhi Ishq To Karo", it seems director
Lovely Singh had approached Ganesh Hegde (who choreographed "Main Hoon Don" last year). According to Singh, the latter had to be replaced because he gave him a lot
of starry airs.
Remarks Lovely, "He wanted to change the whole song and that's not even a choreographer's job! I'm happy with my decision to replace him because the final output by the
new choreographer is making waves and has been very well received!"
Hegde, on his part, said, "When I first heard the song I couldn't visualise anything spectacular so I asked Lovely to make some changes to the song. Kareena is a dear
friend so I wanted to give her the best. Anyway, it's really not my loss. I do select work in a year and prefer maintaining that."
Thursday, April 12, 2007 14:09 IST